(1) keyboard:- Any program and data enter into a computer is through keyboard which is attached to the computer, whether it through a wire Cable or through wirless keyboard. It contains letters, digits, some special key, and other functional keys and some control keys like (Ctrl).A keyboard is similar to keyboard of typwriter .
How it's work or working function of keyboard ?
When a key is pressed , an electronical signal is produced, which is detected by an electronic circuit called keyboard encoder.
(2) Mouse:- A mouse is an input device which is used to pointing cursor on the computer is held in one hand ans move across a flat surface.
The mouse can also be used to draw diagrams, sketches, etc. on the desktop /computer screen.generally children use this mouse to draw or paint and mostly use to play games on the computer.
Earlier it was only used for gaming purpose but now use of joystick is expanded in many fields like in cranes for controlling purpose ,etc.
(3) Joystick:-As I said mouse is an input device similarly joystick is also a input device .It is often used to play video games and it is also use to control or for targeting is also use in cockpit of milatmil aircraft for aiming has one stick with button from which we use to trigger.Earlier it was only used for gaming purpose but now use of joystick is expanded in many fields like in cranes for controlling purpose ,etc.
This is Airbus aircraft joystick.
(4) Scanner:-A scanner is a hardware device which is used to scan any documents like text or image into the computer. the basic function of the scanner is to convert a document into a digital format. Suppose sometimes we needed text, image, and information that is on the hardbcopy and we needed into soft-copy or on the computer then we use Scanner.
(different type of scAscan)
Working function of the scanner
Basically scanner take anlog visual things, documents, text, photos, magazines paper,bus busin cards,etc and turn them into digitized bitemaps that a specialised software package that understand and translate into PC readable format.
Even scanner is also used in medical field for many different purposes like for scanning mouth (mouth treatment), also use for Sonography, through MRI scanner doctors used to get detailed image of organs and tissue within the body, and their many more uses if scanner in medical field.
(5) BARCODE READER:- Bar code reader are special device use to read bar coded data.barcode is the specialised code used for fast identification of item or products.It is consist of a serious small lines, know as bar. The actual coding of the bar is width of the bar, not the height. These are primary use for identification of goods such as books, postal packages, badges, etc.
(6)WEB CAMERAS: A web camera allow a computer to accept input just by focusing on an object. The camera is focused on the input object to take the picture of the object. The whowh was taken by it can be transferred over a computer network to a distance.
The image which was taken from Web camera can be seen from different monitor , if that monitor/computer is connected trough nereone or with Internet.
I hope that you liked my article on input device. If you have any suggestions please comment us in comentc box or you can email us.
Thank you.
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